Monday, July 14, 2014

These are a few of my Favorite FITNESS Things!

I have collected a number of running accessories over the last few years. Some are great and some are a waste of money! Whether you are a veteran or just beginning here are a few things I like: 

Supplements, Proteins & Enhancers 

Herbalife: Managing or losing weight I love the Herbalife Formula 1 and sometimes I add a little extra scoop of protein.  There is a line called Herbalife 24 for the athlete or if you are trying to build muscle! 

You know when you look at a picture of yourself and think? Oh man.... when did I get a gut? 

I have used Herbalife since 2012! I have lost Body Fat, inches and been able to keep it off. I take my supplements and formula 1 once a day! Sometimes twice if I'm feeling it! 
Since using Herbalife I am a lot more aware of what I am eating. 
Herbalife is pretty equal in price when it comes to your regular proteins you may buy from the store or nutrition place. However there are 9 Grams of protein per serving on the formula 1 and the protein adds additional giving you about 25 grams! Herbalife has 3g of sugar 0 Cholesterol and 1 g of fat.

Even better there is a 30-day money back guarantee. 
If you are looking for more muscle building, Herbalife may be a better fit for you here are details about Herbalife 24

PLUS the flavors are absolutely fabulous- cookies n' cream, cafe latte, pina colada, berry, vanilla, chocolate, mint, orange (seasonal)! 

The core products are a MUST HAVE: Formula 1, Multivitamin and the Cell Activator.

Herbalife has established a Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) comprised of leading experts in the fields of nutrition and health who help educate and train our Members -on the principles of nutrition, balanced eating, physical activity and leading a healthy life.

Running Supports

There are a lot of fitness trackers. I have the JAWBONE UP Band and I love it. My favorite part is that it tracks my sleep. There is a sleep reminder alarm- which helps me to go to bed at the same time every night and gently wakes me up when I am in a light sleep cycle. I love tracking my steps and food!
I have the older generation, which isn't that old! (1year) and its significantly cheaper!

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on the wristbands, Nike+ is a great option. It does great tracking your distance and average speed. There is an app that uses GPS on your phone but I also have this! Nike+ fits inside or on your shoe and will connect to your iPod. 

To prevent chafing and irritation there are a few Must Have Products


Injuries are inevitable, but do happen. Learn more about why I love Deep Blue here. 

DoTerra Essential Oils- Where to buy 

Join the Loyalty Rewards Program and save up to 30%.
For Additional savings, Join as a Wellness Advocate for another 35%. 
use 776284 

KT Tape helps during your workout prevent injury! I use this on my knee. I tore my ACL, MCL, meniscus, patella in 2009, and occasionally I get swelling in my joints. I like this because I feel like I am getting additional support without having to wear my Don Joy brace
There are instructions that show you how and where to put the tape strips for various injuries 

GU and Shot Blocks are a MUST when working out and running for a long period of time. These are easy to eat and taste pretty good. 
They last about 45 minutes of extra energy

Compression Socks also help increase the blood flow and allow legs to recover after a hard/long run! It's a must.

I love and live on these products. It's amazing how it can help you and change you for the better. 
Good Luck and be strong, run on!

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