Sunday, April 27, 2014

Exploring Long Island

I have a slight obsession with the ABC TV Show Revenge.  In fact it has consumed my Sunday nights for the last 3 years. Its a thrilling Drama filled with extremely wealthy characters living in the Hamptons of Long Island seeking love, power, money, and revenge. When Evan suggested that we take a weekend trip to the Hamptons I became overwhelmingly excited! I had high hopes to see the large houses as previewed in the show. As we were driving we found out that the film is actually filmed in North Carolina, but there were a few homes we could see that replicated the lovely beach house belonging to Miss Emily Thorne could be found in the Hamptons.

It was a beautiful 2 hour drive out there. The people are friendly and drivers never honk. It was a breath of fresh air.

 We pulled into South Hampton and drove down the main street. It was filled with little shops, boutiques and even a few high end retailers. Of course we stopped to get some ice cream. The only downfall was everything closed at 5pm. So there wasn't much to see. I assume Friday Night in the Hamptons for locals includes an exclusive invitation to a private cocktail party in a large beach mansion with a required $500,000 donation to a charity, tuxedo and silk gown, of which we had neither so we just stuck to the basic exploration. 

During our drive we ran into the first house built in the Hamptons. It was built in 1648 and was owned by the Housley family. Pretty cool. Unlucky for us the museum isn't open until Summer.

My favorite part was finding an identical model of Emily Thorne's Beach House. Or at least it was a pretty close copy of it. 

The beach in the Hamptons is GLORIOUS. These are pictures from beaches of both the East and South Hamptons. It was rather picturesque and so so beautiful. 

South Hampton Beach 

South Hampton Beach 
East Hampton Beach 

East Hampton Beach 

We stayed in Riverhead, which was 30 minutes from the South Hampton area, for some reason there are NO hotels and all of the little Bed n' Breakfast places were booked... (*side note some cost $1,200 per night. Or you could rent a home for $350,000 for 2 months.) 

Riverhead was awesome. We were right across from the Tanger Outlet Malls in the Hilton! YES, I went shopping. I bought nothing but I spent a quality 4 hours browsing, and it was delightful. Evan was a trooper and was extremely patient with my shopping. We had extremely delicious Greek Food and walked along the river. This area was awesome. 

The next day we made a trip to the most east part of Long Island, Montauk. It was a cute little town with shops, bike rentals, surfers and a lot of crab shacks. This was the opening day for BuddhaBerry Frozen Yogurt! The yogurt was made of all natural products and the toppings included delicious things like flax, chia and an assortment of nuts! Pretty heavenly. 

We explored the town but my favorite thing was the lighthouse. This light house was directed to be built by President George Washington. It was built 300ft from the shore, but has eroded to 100ft. We climbed to the top and stood on the balcony! Amazing view. The Lighthouse is still operated by the United States Coast Guard, so we weren't allowed to take photos or use our phone at the top. 

Across the way was an abandoned World War II Military Base. We weren't able to get in close proximity of the abandoned military base, but what we were able to see was pretty cool. As much as I wanted to crawl through the brush to get there, there were warning signs everywhere about lime disease ticks. I think I'll stay close to this cliff and take pictures from here. 

We continued to explore the Montauk area and made our way to the Harbor! 

On our way out of the Hamptons we came along this Garden Statue Store, it had statues ranging from Dragons John Wayne. I don't know who would buy such things, but it was fun to look at. After awhile it felt creapy walking around with all of these. 

It was an absolutely fantastic weekend. Rare for Evan to have Saturday and Sunday off so it was great to explore places other than Manhattan. 

We loved the Hamptons, Montauk and Riverhead! 
Thanks for exploring with us. 

Heidi & Evan 

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